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Make a Mask.
Make a Difference


Without the heroic medical professionals, first responders and essential workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, we would have no chance of stopping the spread of this devastating virus. And without access to critical N95 and surgical masks, those same heroes can’t do their jobs safely and securely. The CDC is asking those of us not on the front lines to make our own masks at home, reserving valuable supplies for those who need them most.

Every one of us has an obligation to do what we can to help save lives and so − in its own way − this is a small but incredibly important act of heroism. The more people join the fight, the sooner we’ll be able to overcome this virus.

Get the Template

Ready to start making your mask? Grab a T-shirt and download the template for instructions on what materials to use and how to put everything together. And, remember, wearing a mask doesn’t replace washing your hands regularly and practicing social distancing. These are always your first lines of defense.

Download template

How-to Guide


  1. Download the template and print full size on letter paper (A4).
  2. Use the template as a guide to cut 4 pieces from the fabric of your choosing.
  3. Align two pieces on top of each other with the external sides facing one another.
  4. Sew along curved side, attaching side A to side A on seam line (3/8 stitch recommended).
  5. Clip every half inch around the edge on curved side so it will fold easily when flipped.
  6. Repeat steps 3−6 (attaching side B to side B) with remaining two pieces.
  7. Stack the two newly attached pieces with external sides facing each other. Lay flat on one side.
  8. Sew line C and D (top and bottom) leaving the short edges open.
  9. Pull it inside out so the closed seams are hidden.
  10. Fold the open edge (LF/LB to RF/RB) once (1/4 inch) inside the mask to hide raw edge.
  11. Sew to secure, leaving an opening at the top and bottom to insert an elastic band, shoelace, ribbon or something else to secure mask to face.
  12. Thread elastic band or other material (10 inches long) through the mask and tie a knot. Pull knot into mask to hide.


Safely Wearing Your Mask

  • Always wash your hands before putting on or taking off your mask.
  • Make sure it fits snugly, but comfortably against the side of your face.
  • Secure your mask with ties or ear loops.
  • Make sure you can breathe easily without restriction.
  • Do not touch the mask or reach up under it while you’re wearing it.
  • Clean your mask after every use.
  • Continue washing your hands regularly and practicing social distancing.
View All CDC Recommendations

Filtration Face Mask Resources

3d Print Template

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Injection Molding Template

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Filter Material Insert

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Face Shield Resources

3d Face Shield Information

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General DIY Mask Resources

What are the Best Materials for Making DIY Masks?

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What’s a Reliable Way to Disinfect Masks from Viruses?

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Mask Ear Guard 3d Template

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